Longital Suita
Longital Suita, the project of the band Longital with string quartet arrangements of Slavo Solovic, had a huge success at the sold-out premiere of the festival Convergences. The same was true also at their next appearance at the event for homeless people Doma Dobre. Dano Salontay said: “The concert of the project at Pohoda, that will be celebrating its birthday, will be the culmination of fifteen-year work of our band that has released nine albums and played at a thousand concerts in twelve European countries, USA, and Canada”.
26. May 2016
The great drummer Marián Slávka returned to Longital (Dano and Shina Salontay) last year. In addition to touring, they decided to summarize the 15 years of the existence of the band in a studio. All in one time, live, and without additional corrections, they recorded the album “A to je všetko?” (And that's it!). However, it was not... Just a couple months later, they started a new collaboration: with the string quartet led by Slavo Solovic. Slavo was involved in orchestral adaptations of the songs of Sendreiovci and Korben Dallas at last yearʼs Pohoda.
Besides Solovic, there are also other top musicians in the quartet: Štefan Filas, Milan Adamec, and Jozef Lupták. The inspiration arising from the classical suite form breaks the customary ways of combining a rock band with strings, all of that due to great Solovicʼs arrangements. The members of the project Longital Suita say it is characterised by five words: pleasure (of the musical and human understanding), confidence (as knowing and valuing oneself), courage (to test and change), wildness, and temperament. Longital played their very first concert at Pohoda 2001 under their old name Dlhé Diely. They are going to celebrate their 15th anniversary at our festival with the unusual project Longital Suita.