Lifecutter is an electronic / techno / experimental live act with dark ambient vibe. It is a moniker name for Domen Učakar, The man behind the electronic adventure in front of you is far from being a newcomer to musical explorations.
24. May 2016
He travelled that road playing a bass guitar with a number of local hardcore punk bands, indie rock derivatives found their footing in Icarus Down, while the songwriting production of electro-pop sensibilities was explored in the Neon Spektra project. Versatility here is apparent, as shown in his collaboration with a longtime friend Neven M. Agalma in the still very much kicking and screaming noise duo Ontervjabbit. It is the exploration of various strands of noise in the latter, combined with his devouring of the Warp Records sound in the 1990s, that is seemingly the most obvious influence him.