K-X-P: electronic rock of Helsinki’s “anti-band”
Finnish electro-rock band K-X-P name themselves as an anti band. Perhaps because of nontraditional lineup, where vocals, electronic stompboxes and bass are combined with two alternating drummers, or maybe because of a wide range of styles they draw inspiration from. Be that as it may, their live performances have three common denominators: incredible rhythm, power and energy.
29. December 2015
K-X-P debut earned them rave reviews from magazines such as Q or Pitchfork (8/10). In 2013, they released a follow up album titled II. Again, it received a very good review on Pitchfork (7/10). On their third album, III, they are trying to capture the raw energy of live shows in the studio. According to the band, they build their music on the foundations of genres such as electronica, space, trance, rock, freejazz, elements of spirituality and meditation or Motörhead’s sound. Radio Wave says: “The genre elements mentioned by K-X-P are amplified by unbridled concert energy and by sense of avant-garde take on traditional schemes that is typical of Finnish bands: organic rhythms sometimes hit the noise passages with the force of a hammer.” Nordic hammer of K-X-P brand will hit Pohoda 2016 as well.