Jana Kirschner
Jana Kirschner is currently the most awarded and most successful Slovakian singer and songwriter. Her songs and albums are popular with both, fans of alternative as well as mainstream music, and they did equally well in polls Zlatý Slávik, OTO or Radio_Head Awards. Jana won't miss out on Pohoda 2016.
23. May 2016
She released her eponymous debut when she was 17: a year prior to the first Pohoda. Despite a bit complicated beginnings, she dominated Slovak radios, album sales as well as local music charts already towards the end of the 90's. At the beginning of millennium, she made a breakthrough in the Czech Republic (partly thanks to collabs with Horáček and Hapka). Another breakthrough in her career came when she started collaborating with producer and her partner, Eddie Stevens (Moloko, Róisín Murphy, Zero 7). Together, they recorded top-quality albums Krajina Rovina, Moruša Biela and Moruša Čierna. Petr Dorůžka, Czech music journalist, has aptly described her current approach to music: “Jana Kirschner sings to those who are not seeking easy answers, to those who like to travel beyond the unknown and feel that the barriers between genres are here to be easily overcome. She is the good news for all who still hope that popularity and quality are not the opposites.”
In the past, she announced two indeed sweet news at Pohoda: that she was expecting her baby daughters. Her own words after her performance at Trenčín Airport back in 2012 give us a hint of what we can expect of Jana Kirschner gig at the festival: “I think that Pohoda has a well-brought-up audience that are happy to get surprised and they love when the artist brings something new… for this audience, every single Slovak band do their best to prepare the best program possible. It's simply a cultural event of the year. And that's also the reason why we should bring something interesting.” Jana Kirschner will be playing after Pohoda Day_FM as well as at the 20th edition of our pohodafestival.sk.