Heymoonshaker – world-class Beatbox Blues from the streets of New Zealand
Imagine Frank Sinatra wearing a baseball cap. This is something English duo Heymoonshaker was aiming for when they merged blues and beatbox that are seven decades apart.
01. February 2015
Angry bluesman Andrew Balcon and fizzling beatboxer Dave Crowe kept on improving their art mainly in front of the most straightforward club in the world – the street. And it was the street (at the opposite end of the world) where these musicians met.
From South Island they went to Sweden and after that they headed to the streets in France. Here they built a reputation of a band that doesn’t need to take their hat off to earn good money. The French edition of Rolling Stone described them as follows: “A well balanced mix of smiles, verbal sparring and an impressive performance convey deep emotions. Dazzling!” And then it all gained momentum. Supporting act for Walk Off The Earth, festivals Printemps de Bourges, Sziget, Glastonbury, first EP Shakerism, US tour, a video with more than 25 million views… In 2015, they are about to conquer the musical Europe. But as Dave Crowe once said, “I’m a street musician by trade and will forever be on the streets whatever fortunes I may find.”