EUrópa Stage and EU Fun Zone Coming to Pohoda 2024 Thanks to the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia

EUrópa Stage and EU Fun Zone Coming to Pohoda 2024 Thanks to the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia

Slovaks have been part of the European Union for 20 years now. What has EU membership brought us? Discover it yourself through various activities presented by the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia at Pohoda this year via the EUrópa Stage and EU Fun Zone.

04. July 2024

The EUrópa Stage will not only feature great music but also host discussions with experts and other interesting guests on current topics resonating in Slovakia and across Europe. Café Európa discussions will cover themes like a decent and resilient society, the military conflict in Ukraine, and, as always, include a discussion with a special guest.

The EU Fun Zone will be packed with entertaining and educational activities for all age groups. Here, you can access useful information, engage in interactive games and competitions, and win exciting prizes. There will also be a presentation of the European Citizens' Initiative, providing ways to actively engage in shaping European policy and the future of the EU.

The Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia will once again join forces with partners such as SAAIC – the National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, NIVAM – the National Institute of Education and Youth, and the State Institute of Vocational Education, who are preparing additional educational activities and demonstrations to help you improve your skills.

All of this awaits you at the EUrópa Stage and EU Fun Zone at Pohoda 2024.