Enviro news: Fair wear merchandise

Enviro news: Fair wear merchandise

Thanks to Design Directors, our merchandise looks great! Other specifications, such as design and soft material, are looked after by manufacturer OP Tiger. Equally important is the ecological aspect of the production process: most of our fabric is made from organic cotton grown in a certified organic farm under ethical conditions (FAIR WEAR) and greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced in their manufacture. 

28. February 2017

A friendlier approach to nature and production employees is reflected both in the production of textiles as well as cloth printing.


For comparison: the production of classic men T-shirt gives 5-12 kilograms of CO2, and in case of a menʼs sweatshirt, it is up to 27 kg. Thanks to a greener process, greenhouse gas emissions were in average reduced from 6 kg to 0.7 kg of CO2 in production of one T-shirt. 

The said reduction of emissions by 89 % is mainly due to:

- The use of renewable energy

- Growing of cotton in areas where 95% of the water is obtained from the monsoon rains

- Fighting against pests naturally

- Application of exclusively natural fertilizers (clothes can be branded as organic only when the land on which cotton is grown has been free of synthetic pesticides for at least three years)

- Cotton is processed locally and is not transported unnecessarily for long distances

- Factories principally use energy from wind mills

- Dyeing process is powered by solar energy

- Finished textiles are imported in Europe always by ship transport, never by air


In addition to ecology, an important part of the production process is respect for suitable conditions in production, i.e. FAIR WEAR (an equivalent of Fair Trade in the fashion industry). These are the main pillars:

- No child labour

- No forced labour

- Safe and healthy working conditions

- Work under a labour contract

- Payment of at least minimum subsistence

- Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining

- No discrimination

- No forced overtime, and if so, then reimbursed



OP Tiger adapted the production process to the GOTS international standard (Global Organic Textile Standard) and is the only printer in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (and one of the few in Europe) to be certified for organic screen printing.

- The company uses certified colours which cover and hold just as well as usual ones but do not harm the environment.*

- No harmful waste is discharged in sewage and all materials used are recycled responsibly

- Machines with closed circuit are used and all fluids are processed ecologically by a certified body

- Products are packaged in a recycled PVC-free material

- Electricity from renewable sources is used exclusively (which is even beyond GOTS)


* careful with this information (about pressing), as Pohoda merchandise is printed using discharge colour (one that does not smell), where GOTS certification does not apply. This, of course, does not mean that it is harmful; on the contrary, all such colours are PVC-free, contain no phthalates, heavy metals, and nonylphenol. However, they are Oeko Tex certified. If you want organic printing this year, we can certainly arrange that.

 You can find more information also here:

-                      GOTS / OCS Blended / OCS 100: www.global-standard.org/

-                      Oeko tex: www.oeko-tex.com/de/business/business_home/business_home.xhtml

-                      Fair Wear: www.fairwear.org/