Enjoy Seamless Card Payments With Slovenská sporiteľňa at Pohoda

Enjoy Seamless Card Payments With Slovenská sporiteľňa at Pohoda

Our main partner, Slovenská sporiteľňa, is once again ensuring smooth payment experiences at the festival this year. You can make contactless payments using your card, mobile phone, or smartwatch at all the stands. Furthermore, this year Slovenská sporiteľňa is introducing a digital innovation – the deposit for returnable cups will be refunded directly to your card.

08. July 2024

If you still need cash, you can withdraw it using your card at the ATM near the Slovenská sporiteľňa Zone. Clients of the bank can also withdraw money using their mobile phones through the George app.

The popularity of contactless payments is evident in the numbers. Last year, 92% of people paid contactlessly, while only 8% withdrew cash from ATMs.