Donʼt get tricked, only buy tickets from our official vendors
Donʼt risk and donʼt spend extra money on your ticket to Pohoda. The entry to the venue is guaranteed only with a ticket purchased from our official vendors. As you can see in the pictures below, if you purchase tickets through “secondary ticketing” companies (which are not sales partners of the Pohoda festival), you will pay significantly more than at www.pohodafestival.sk/sk/listky. We performed an experiment and purchased from VIAGOGO: the ticket price increased by €55.7 (i.e. 62.6%). Moreover, such tickets will be available only three days before the festival. As the festival organiser, however, we do not guarantee the delivery of the tickets purchased using this method.
05. February 2018
Tickets for the festival are currently sold for €89 on our website (as a colour 3-day ticket or as an electronic home ticket). They are also available for the same price in the Ticketportal network and at our partner vendors. Their complete list is here: www.pohodafestival.sk/sk/listky.
Some “secondary ticketing” companies also provide misleading information on very last available tickets. Although we have sold several items in record time before the festival (Parking P1, Trenčín Huts, and Inovec Huts), tickets for the event are still available. Especially foreign visitors may become victims of such business practices. Please tell your friends where they can get the festival tickets at a fair price. If you come across a vendor claiming to sell the last available tickets or increasing the price of tickets by other items, please do not hesitate to contact us at office@pohodafestival.sk.