Doma Dobre concert: Midi Lidi
The next act to play Doma Dobre concert is a Czech electro-pop band Midi Lidi. For Prokop Holoubek, Petr Marek, and Tomáš Kellar, music is only one of many possible artistic expressions. Therefore, you can expect unconventional understanding and expression of their own songs as well as recovers. For example, at this year's Pohoda, they entertained the audience with their "helium cover version" of the song Dnes by the band Tublatanka.
01. December 2015
Midi Lidi’s members are well-known filmmakers (Petr Marek – Láska shora 2002, Nebýt dnešní 2005, score for movie Mistři), theater artists (Prokop Holoubek and Petr Marek – Dekadentní divadlo Beruška, or Láhor Soundsystem) as well as visual artists (Filip Cenek, Magdalena Hrubá, Markéta Lisá, Jan Šrámek). The band was formed in 2006 out of the band Krásný Stěhovák Gerard & Sexuální nábytek (Handsome Mover Gerard & Sexual Furniture). Their debut Čekání na robota (2007) was a success. After the release of their third record Operace “Kindigo!”, Tomáš Kelar (ex Mountaineers, drums, vocals, electronics, keyboards, author of music for band Čoko Voko) and two visual artists, Roman Přikryl (Fiordmoss) and Tereza Rullerová aka VJ Texa (The Rodina), joined the band. In 2012, they recorded another critically acclaimed soundtrack; this time for Polski film. This Sunday at the St. Vincent de Paul lodging house, you can find out what they’ve got in store for Doma Dobre concert attendees.