A lover of good music, literature, life, and people. An acclaimed journalist, passionate bookseller, and the most kind-hearted man, Juraj Kušnierik, passed away on 13 November. His close friends and colleagues decided to organise a CONCERT FOR JURAJ.
18. November 2015
He was part of many projects in the Slovak cultural scene and in his elegant way, he connected different world: the bookshop Artforum, the magazine .týždeň, the festival Pohoda, Rádio FM, and more. These worlds meet on Sunday, 22 November in Urban House in Laurinská 14 in Bratislava to honour this noble man.
Schedule of the CONCERT FOR JURAJ:
15:15 – 15:30 Katarzia
15:45 – 16:00 Hviezda
16:15 – 16:30 Saténové ruky
16:45 – 17:10 Dano Matej, Eva Šušková, Jozef Lupták, Boris Lenko
17:25 – 17:40 QuasiTrio (Bene, Marian Jaslovský a Roland Kánik)
17:55 – 18:10 Longital
18:25 – 18:40 Zlokot
18:55 – 19:10 Korben Dallas
19:25 – 19:40 Para / Braňo Jobus
19:55 – 20:10 Bez ladu a skladu
20:25 – 20:50 Tante Elze / Živé kvety / Marián Varga / Shooty / Tomáš Sloboda
21:00 – 21:15 Ink Midget
21:15 – 22:00 Gešo
Besides music, the concert will give space to literature, too: various pieces of Juraj’s favourite texts will be performed by Ivan Štrpka, Tomáš Janovic, Dušan Mitana, Blaho Uhlár, Monika Kompaníkova, Martin Mojžiš, Daniel Pastirčák, Uršula Kovalyk, Vlado Michal, Lucia Piussi, Vlado Talian, Shooty, Ben Pascoe, Monika Pascoe Mikyšková, Olja Triaška, Mario Homolka, Oliver Rehák, Martin Mojžiš, Valerij Kupka, Jano Hrubala, Ctibor Bachratý, Robo Roth, Zuzana Fialová, and other friends.
The time together will be beautiful and Juraj will join us, you are cordially invited!
Your discretionary contributions will go to Juraj's family.
FB event.: https://www.facebook.com/events/1021985377852688/