Children days at Pohoda 2016: theatre
Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads, theatre ZkuFraVon, Deep sea fairy tales narrated by Robert Roth, Kempelen Biomatic Orchestra, and reading with Mr Carrot are some of the theatrical performances available in the Family Park at the 20th edition of Pohoda.
01. June 2016
Reading with Mr Carrot
Reading with Mr Carrot is actually one 45 minute class of story playing that ends with a sharp cutting off the story in the most dramatic moment. The meaning and purpose of these performances is to support children in reading a particular book. The book is interpreted before children by one actor using a technique on the boundary of dramatized and scenic reading.
Theatre ZkuFraVon – How the egg wandered the world or On the road round the globe
In this street puppet circus performance on two brothers wandering the world, you will be on the road round the globe and learn and who first began wandering. Besides the story, the performance will show various circus techniques like juggling or balancing. At the performance, children will learn a “wandering” song accompanied by simple exercise in which they do opposing limb movements.
Hlbokomorské rozprávky (Deep sea fairy tales) (Monika Kompaníková) – book reading
Fairy tales are read by Robert Roth, accompanied on the piano by Vladislav “Slnko” Šarišský (winner of the International Competition of Sergei Prokofiev in St. Petersburg).
The book Hlbokomorské rozprávky (Deep sea fairy tales) of Monika Kompaníková, the winner of Anasoft Litera award, is about a deep friendship on the seabed. At the bottom of the deepest trench at a depth of more than ten thousand metres, where no sunbeam, diver or submarine can reach, there is anything at all. Er, well, it's not quite like that. The bottom of the deepest trench, in fact, is home to the fish Biba, which has broken teeth, and her friend snake Rado, whose lamp keeps breaking, and other mysterious fluorescent animals. Following their funny stories, we can learn with them also about the real deep-sea world.
Kempelen Biomatic Orchestra – Ignác
In Pressburg, the indicator of sadness-meter is tilted! Ignác Lamár sends a telegram to his old friend asking him to immediately arrive and help resolve the situation. Japapa comes and brings his granddaughter along. In many adventures, they look for ways to restore brightness and joy to the city. The performance presents Schöne Naci, a charming person that lived in the unofficial history of Bratislava, in inspiring way.
Tyjátr: Don Šajn or Prodigal son and Hercules or the Conquest of hell
The traditional puppet theatre Tyjátr is the project the puppeteer and playwright Ivan Gontko. The project aims to bring the tradition of nomadic puppeteers and comedians back to present days. “Hercules” used to be in the traditional repertoire of European puppeteers in the 18th and 19th century and is based on the ancient legend of strongman Hercules. The play “Don Šajn” (Don Juan) used to be played by all folk puppeteers and besides “Faust” it is still the most played piece in traditional puppet theatre. Tyjátr offers artistic approach based on the performance of Czech and Slovak nomadic puppeteers. The project Tyjátr also aims to revive the use of ancient barrel organ, which consists of thirty flutes, xylophone, two drums, and cymbal.
Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí (Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads): PA and GU
The Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads will perform the adventures PAlička (Stick) and GUlička (Marble) the tangled. The adventures of the straight PAlička and the round GUlička reveal how PA and GU hide everywhere around us and what they hide. There is no need for many words. Only silence, which will wait for us for it has got bright eyes. You may not believe it, but you might see them in the street, or PA and GU might even live right at home with you ...