Children days at Pohoda 2016: music
Dear children and dear parents. Do you miss pogoing together? Do you want to see various groups from all over the world and magician...? Once upon a time, under the castle of Matúš Čák, between Váh and Inovec, a funny magician will use magic to create animals out of balloons; Songs about characters will be sung by the one who wrote them. Fairy tales will be read by real actors; Teachers will teach children using toys; Children will produce musical instruments and play them as a famous band; there will be children in orchestras, choirs, and ensembles; all day around just games and clever toys playing during the biggest summer camping and comfort throughout the day, at the beginning of the holiday. And the best behaving one will be able to go to see Prodigy at night, or at least they will sing him a nice lullaby in the tent. ;)
01. June 2016
Jobus Pubertus
The stories and characters in the books of Braňo Jobus have finally made it to a CD. Songs like Muflón Ancijáš, Zvon, Tajná správa, Na výlete do vesmíru, and Červotoč Chrumo will be played at Pohoda thanks to the project Pubertus. Braňo Jobus will also present his new writing Zvon (Bell), subtitled “Ako Vyliečiť choré srdiečko?” (How to cure a sick heart?) and a “Tajná Správa o poštovom Holubovi Oplaškovi” (A secret message about the homing pigeon Oplaško) that will turn from an irresponsible rascal into a hero.
The children folklore ensemble Kornička from Trenčín has been presenting the folklore tradition of the region since 1999. They revive the forgotten melodies and dances of surrounding villages and distant settlements. During their short existence, Kornička have won 7 times in national contests. They have given more than 500 performances, of these many abroad: in Spain, France, Switzerland, and many other European countries. At the upcoming Pohoda, Kornička will show the most interesting pieces of their repertoire.
Music school orchestra in Trenčín and choir Piarissimo
The Chamber Orchestra of the Music School in Trenčín has over 50 years of tradition. Currently it is under the direction of the conductress Alena Piatková. The Choir of Jozef Braneckýʼs piarist grammar school in Trenčín, Piarissimo, was founded in 1990. In 1999, the church choir turned into a classical mixed choir that interprets polyphonic secular and spiritual songs of different periods and styles ranging from Gregorian chant, through Renaissance, and Baroque to contemporary modern sacred and secular music.
The students of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Education in cooperation with Eva Šušková (the fresh Radio_Head Awards winner) prepared for the Family Park a music and movement happening tleSKOKrik. You will jump clapping, jump up screaming, and you can both jump and scream when you clap your hands.
DsFS Terchovček, FS Terchovec a ĽH Martinky Bobáňovej
The children folklore group Terchovček and its older sibling FS Terchovec develop accordion play, dance, singing, and music and dance heritage of Terchová. Thanks to their authentic performance, the groups have several times won the festivals in Strážnica, Východná, and Detva. They will perform on the Family Park Stage with Folk Music Ensemble of Martinka Bobáňová.