Agricultural news: Major changes in the heart of the site

Agricultural news: Major changes in the heart of the site

As we mentioned in the past, soil needs regular rest from demanding oil plants (sunflowers). This is one of the reasons why our agronomist team captained by Monika Satková came up with some highly-visible news: this year, the center of the festival site will be embellished by bluish flax plant and mustard with its intense yellow perianth.

28. April 2017

The chief of plant production, Vladimír Jurčák, spaded, cultivated and manured the area with bio manure (sheep droppings that were transformed into a slightly different shape). This week, the agricultural division of our agency crowned the second phase of their activities by sowing the area. In the upcoming weeks, they are up to regular watering activities. Apart from the colorfulness and undemanding character of flax plant and mustard, the choice of plants was influenced by how long it takes these plants to start flowering. And this should be exactly at the time when our festival is taking place. Keep our fingers crossed for them and for us as well.

P.S.: Flax plant flowers the most in the morning. If you want to take beautiful pictures of the heart of Pohoda, our recommendation for you is not to stay in your tent too long… or you can take some nice shots of the area after the welcoming of the Sun. ;)