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A new video of Korben Dallas containing images of Bažant Pohoda 2015 | Pohoda Festival
A new video of Korben Dallas containing images of Bažant Pohoda 2015

A new video of Korben Dallas containing images of Bažant Pohoda 2015

The band Korben Dallas published their song "Sen" (dream), a duet Aneta Langerova, which is the first tasting of the symphonic album that the band is preparing. The video for the duet, that was shot also at our festival, was directed by Lucia Halmová.

02. October 2015

The band is supposed to publish a symphonic album named "Kam ideme" (Where we are going) a in late October. The album will also contain pieces accompanied by the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra and arranged by Slavo Solović.