In cooperation with Slovenská Sporiteľňa we have arranged 10 evacuation buses which will be stationed in front of the main stage at 11:30 AM.

In cooperation with Slovenská Sporiteľňa we have arranged 10 evacuation buses which will be stationed in front of the main stage at 11:30 AM.

The final stops will be Košice, Banská Bystrica and Bratislava. The buses will also stop in larger towns along the route. The capacity of each bus is 49 seats. At the moment we are planning 4 buses for Bratislava, 3 for western Slovakia and 3 for eastern Slovakia – we will adjust these numbers according to demand. If you would like to use this special transport, please sign up with our team who will be located in front of the showers opposite the main stage. → read more

13. July 2024