Vydrapená Bužírka Punk System SK
Vydrapená Bužírka Punk System is an anti-sport legend from the Little Carpathians operating in the Department of Culturology at the Faculty of History and Visions at "Janko Pukoslav Hokejka University" (Janko Puckslav Hokeystick University). VBPS was formed at the beginning of this millennium as an artistic response to the dominance of fitness clubs in Slovakia. They addressed this phenomenon in the song "Revolúcia," where they propose converting all gyms into pubs that would play their music. The worst day in the band's career is considered to be May 11, 2002, when Slovak ice hockey players won gold at the World Championships.
Since then, the band has taken its mission very seriously, having nearly sold out the WC stage at the Rockový Mikuláš festival in Trenčín, and actively performing in clubs, cottages, dives, and daring festivals in Slovakia, Czechia, the Netherlands, and Macedonia. The band is particularly proud of their concert in Kyiv at the Pohoda Loves Ukraine festival. VBPS is the first punk band with their own waiter, who takes care of the band members as well as the brave audience willing to enjoy juniper brandy with Slovak žinčica or peppermint liqueur with federweisser.