Space Cats
Saturday 20:15 | Café Kušnierik

Space Cats SK

The Bratislava trio Space Cats has been active on the scene since 2016. Their music is a blend of various electronic genres that the band members enjoy and interpret "live" – the beats of drummer Luboš Ambrozai are complemented by Miloš Bulík on bass guitar, enhanced with numerous effects pedals. The newest addition to the band is young jazz pianist and synth wizard Peter Kunzo.

As seasoned musicians, they also perform in other formations: Modré Hory, Kontrola Kvality Reality, Plantasia, Quatro Emocione, and Erik Šulc and many more.Their concerts are known for a high degree of improvisation – most of the ideas are created in real-time directly on stage. They decided to capture and develop the most powerful ones into full-fledged tracks on their eponymous debut EP, which was released in the fall of 2020 under the deadred label.