Punkinson SK
Involved in music since the age of twelve, Punkinson has already ventured into various musical projects across different genres, such as Sushicide or Angel. Currently, he's fully dedicated to the Punkinson project. He's also caught the attention of Gleb, who granted him a place in his Rapinbox project.
Punkinson is currently in the process of working on his first album titled HIRAETH, slated for release soon. He's not one to stick to a single style and enjoys experimenting with different genres. The support of Leoprincessa is integral to his work; they engage in discussions about his projects, and he also also assists him as a DJ while managing the project's graphic design.
"Producer and rapper – that's what I like. Punkinson perfects his flows, and you can see from his lyrics that he isn't just focused on himself; he cleverly comments on current societal events, sometimes subtly, sometimes directly. Plus, he makes amazing productions. I think more people should become familiar with him," says Garage curator Denis Bango (Fvck_Kvlt, The Wilderness), commenting on the booking.