Prežila som holokaust SK
I Survived the Holocaust
A narrated story of doc. Denisa Nikodémová, who experienced persecution during the Second World War.
The Rosenthals had a shop in Spišská Nová Ves, a large house where the whole extended family gathered. "Grandma cooked, baked, everyone sat at the table in the big room. We, the children, ran around the table. There were always at least twenty of us," recalls doc. Denisa Nikodémová.
The year 1939 came, and everything changed. Forty-two of her immediate family did not survive the Holocaust, but she did. Come hear the story of an 88-year-old woman who, despite all she has been through, says today that she feels no hatred.
The event, part of the Prežili sme holokaust (We Survived the Holocaust) series, is based on Dagmar Mozolová's radio show Encyklopédia spravodlivých (Encyclopaedia of the Righteous). The narrated testimony will be complemented by the profound songs of Katka Koščová, accompanied by Daniel Špiner.
doc. Denisa Nikodémová
Dagmar Mozolová
Katka Koščová and Daniel Špiner