Nesmieme to vzdať SK
We must not give up.
At a time when many of us feel that the Slovak Republic is experiencing the most painful polarisation since its foundation, at a time when the loudest and most aggressive are once again beginning to win, at a time when parents are once again beginning to fear for the safety and health of their children because of their civic or professional commitment to the rule of law and justice, the following guests express their feelings and opinions in the discussion:
Jana Kuciaková, mother of the murdered Ján Kuciak
Zlatica Kušnírová, mother of the murdered Martina Kušnírová
Jana Tupá, mother of the murdered Daniel Tupý
Emília Janigová, mother of Marek Janiga
Mária Juhásová, mother of Dr. Peter Juhás, member of the Slovak police and investigator of the murders of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová, and also mother of Dr. Martin Juhás, member of the Slovak police, currently being prosecuted for the use of IT means in the so-called "poľovnícka chata" (Hunting Lodge) case.
Z. Kovačič Hanzelová