Crowdberry: Čo prináša hromadné investovanie firmám a ich investorom SK
What does crowd investing bring to companies and their investors?
The investment platform Crowdberry has been connecting private capital with local companies for nearly a decade, aiding their further growth and development. Examples include Boataround, Footshop, Isadore, MultiplexDX, and GymBeam, as well as the recently successfully funded Pohoda Festival. Local investing is not just about capital appreciation but also about having a positive socio-economic impact by supporting the growth of meaningful companies that also enhance Slovakia's visibility abroad. What makes crowd investing through Crowdberry unique, what does it offer to investors, how does it help companies grow, and why is crowd investing attracting more people and companies? Representatives from Crowdberry and successfully funded portfolio companies will reveal more.
Michal Nešpor, partner Crowdberry
Marek Baranyai, credit manager Crowdberry
Pavel Pribiš, CEO Boataround