Airport Trenčín 11 — 13 July 2024
Spišské pár(i)ky
Friday 10:15 | NAY tanečný dom

Spišské pár(i)ky SK

Spišské pár(i)ky / Spiš Couples
Couple dances from Spiš

Workshop Leaders: Róbert Sabol and his partner
Musical Accompaniment: NogaBand

Robo Sabol is a distinguished dancer and teacher. He is also the recent winner of the national competition and showcase of solo dancers in folk dance, Šaffova ostroha. He is a member of the dance group BARDFA, which has performed at our festival with great acclaim. Additionally, he is a popular and sought-after dance instructor in his native region of Bardejov. His workshop will not be limited to couples, so don't miss this delightful exploration of dances from Spiš.

His dancing will be accompanied by the exceptional musical group NogaBand featuring Michal Noga.

Photo: Artists' archive