Airport Trenčín 11 — 13 July 2024
Šarišská div(oč)ina
Saturday 12:45 | NAY tanečný dom

Šarišská div(oč)ina SK

Šarišská div(oč)ina / Šariš Wildness

Passionate couple dances from Šariš.

Workshop Leaders: Ján Michálik and Ivana Topoľovská
Musical Accompaniment: Folk band of Radoslav Kertis

Lunchtime offers the perfect chance to savour something juicy, nutritious, and hearty. Under the baton of the exceptional Radoslav Kertis, a connoisseur dedicated to exploring Eastern Slovak musical traditions, a vibrant and fast-paced musical selection awaits on the dance floor. Instructor Ján Michálik will accompany them with graceful dance moves. An experience not to be missed.

Photo: Artists' Archive